How long do you think it takes for people who make New Year’s Resolutions to break them? It’s not long. According to U.S. News,approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. That’s not too long to forget about getting up early and going to the gym. It seems that getting in shape is one of the most popular … [Read more...]
Annual Sales Checkup: What are you doing right and how can you do better?
Why do you go to the doctor for an annual physical if you feel good today? You go because you want to be sure you will continue to feel well and address anything that might be a cause for future concern. Just like you see a doctor for a physical, you need to look at your sales. It's like an annual sales checkup so you continue to do well. Here’s what I address when I work with … [Read more...]
Ask The Money Questions When You Sell
It’s pretty obvious that if you’re in sales that the object of your work is to sell something. But what gets you sales? The money questions do. These are the questions that you ask when you sell that actually lead to a sale. These questions demonstrate that you have a viable prospect who can buy from you now. Here’s how to ask the money questions. Don’t waste time talking to … [Read more...]
Lose Like Mikaela Shiffrin
You might think that a sales professional is very different than an Olympic athlete. I think we have a lot to learn from these exceptional athletes, especially when we lose a deal. Do you think Mikaela Shiffrin was prepared for the Olympics? I think so. Yet she came in fourth for the slalom which was considered her best event. I know being fourth in the world isn’t exactly the … [Read more...]
LinkedIn For Sales
You may be looking for the silver bullet for prospecting success. I don’t have it. Yet, LinkedIn is a promising tool that you should consider. It might not be the silver bullet you are hoping for, but it just might make your prospecting easier. Seek and you shall find. Here’s how I recommend you start using LinkedIn to find your qualified leads. Do a search by either company … [Read more...]
It’s Not Too Late to Do More Sales Work This Year
Your turkey leftovers may finally be disappearing. Hopefully, Thanksgiving gave you a few days of relaxation and not too many midnight madness sales. Now it's back to selling and the few days left this year. It's not too late to do more sales work this year. Look back. Schedule a very important appointment. It's not with a customer. The appointment is with you. At this … [Read more...]
Learn from an Engineer and Sell More
When you think of a salesperson, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it an introverted, detail oriented, thoughtful individual? Probably not. The biggest myth in sales is that the best salespeople are the best talkers. Great selling requires more than just talking. That's why salespeople can learn a lot from engineers on how to sell more. They're … [Read more...]
Do You Have a Plan B When You Sell? Get a mentor.
What’s your plan B when you sell? You do have one when things don’t turn out how you plan, right? There is another way to sell if you find yourself spending too much time implementing your Plan Bs. Learn from other people’s mistakes. There’s a better way than doing the work and learning from your mistakes. I had said in one of my programs on becoming more productive that you … [Read more...]
New Year’s Not to Do Sales Resolutions
Have you made any new year’s resolutions? Why not start the new year off with some sales resolutions of what you’re not going to do? You just might have a better chance of keeping them if you do. Here are a few ideas to consider. I am not going to present a solution without a quantified problem. Do you want to avoid losing a sale? Now is the time to think about what you can … [Read more...]
A Holiday Gift for You
It's the holidays. You may be frantically shopping to find the perfect gift for family and friends. That's what most people are doing this time of year. But what gift are you going to give yourself? You must give yourself a gift. Let me help you choose one. Why me? You may be thinking I don't need a gift. But of course you do. Sales is a unique and challenging profession. … [Read more...]