Selling is a great job for women. Your numbers, not your gender, determine your success. Still, women in sales face different situations than men. Often the situations, like gender stereotypes, are trying. It’s good to be aware of those situations that stereotype based on gender so you can be prepared or even better, avoid them. Gender Stereotypes: Get ready to deal with … [Read more...]
Sell In A Recession
Have you heard? According to S&P Global Market Intelligence 1 and others, a recession this year is more likely than not. Are you ready to sell in a recession? You can be. Here’s what you can do to start to sell in a recession. Don’t be shy! You must talk yourself up to sell in a recession! Now is not the time to be quiet about the work you’re doing. Identify all … [Read more...]
Think About Your Selling
Did you make New Year’s resolutions? Why bother. Most people will break them anyway. Instead, why not take some time now (if you haven’t already) to think about your selling this year. Thinking about what you might do is the first step in actually doing the actions that get you better sales results. Here’s what you can think about. Think about your selling skills. One of … [Read more...]
Pilot Program: A Strategy to Get the Sale
Have you considered using a pilot program as a strategy to get the sale? Your prospects might want a pilot program to try your product or service before they make a major buying commitment. Pilot programs can persuade your prospect to buy. A poorly planned pilot program will not. Here’s what you can do to create a pilot program for your products or services that does get the … [Read more...]
Don’t Get Ghosted by Prospects!
One of selling’s great frustrations is when prospects ghost you. You probably know what I mean. You have productive meetings with prospects. Your sales process is moving forward. You go from meeting to demo to what you think is the deal. Then nothing. Your prospect is ghosting you. What can you do so you don’t get ghosted by prospects? Face it. Your sales process is flawed … [Read more...]
Sales Vision:
What to Look for to Avoid Losing Customers You may have heard hindsight is 20/20. In sales you don’t have the luxury of hindsight. Most probably when you look back on your sales history it’s to wonder how you lost a piece of business. Having sales vision helps you avoid losing customers instead of looking back. Here’s what you should look for with your sales … [Read more...]
Sell On The Telephone: 3 Rules to Follow
You probably wish that call screening didn’t exist today. Without screening a prospect would be more likely to pick up the phone. Stop wishing. Instead, practice these 3 rules to sell more on the telephone. 1. Less is more when you sell on the telephone. Each second—yes second—is precious. Don’t waste them! Each word you say should make your prospect to want to hear … [Read more...]
Problem Solving 101: Make Decisions Easier
Problem solving and making good decisions are the foundation of selling. You’ve got to decide who your prospects should be, how to navigate customer politics, deliver price increases and on and on. Deciding isn’t easy. Here are some thoughts to make decisions easier. Ideally, your problem solving decisions will be better ones as well. Make decisions easier by getting past … [Read more...]
How Are Your Customers Judging You?
Bathrooms are often the first stop that passengers make at an airport. Clean, uncrowded bathrooms that are easy to find are a huge factor in how well-liked an airport is. What’s even more important is that the bathroom cleanliness impacts whether travelers will purchase food or shop at airport stores. Travelers’ satisfaction with bathrooms predicts sales … [Read more...]
NO is An Important Word in Selling
No and yes are important words that impact your selling. Prospects say no when they don’t want to buy. That’s a no in selling to avoid. Other times you need to tell yourself no when a prospect is unlikely to buy. Here’s how you can get both the yeses you want, the noes to avoid and the noes you need to sell more. No Budget is often an important no in selling. Too … [Read more...]