Monthly Newsletter with New Ideas to Sell More Now February-2014 The Selling Quote for the Month “A person usually has two reasons for doing something: a good reason and the real reason.” -Thomas Carlyle, historian and essayist (1795-1881) For Salespeople... Listen carefully to your customers’ answers to your questions. Some are too afraid to tell you that they … [Read more...]
Time Management & Sales Strategy: Selling Newsletter January 2014
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals January 2014 Sales Quote "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - -Carl Sandburg, poet For Salespeople... Carl certainly knew a thing or two about sales. Especially now that the year is new, … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter December 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals December 2013 SALES QUOTE "I've stayed calm when I'm winning and I've stayed calm when I've lost. Tennis is a sport where we have a lot of tournaments every week, so you can't celebrate a lot when you have big victories, and you cannot get too down when you're losing, as in a few days you'll be in the next tournament and you'll … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter November 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals November 2013 SALES QUOTE "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." --William Arthur Ward For Salespeople... It is that time of year when Thanksgiving is approaching. I hope you are thankful for your family, your friends, your customers and your life. Now would be a great time to … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter October 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals October 2013 SALES QUOTE "No, no, you're not thinking, you're just being logical." --Niels Bohr, physicist (1885-1962) For Salespeople... Are you thinking when you sell? You are not thinking like a salesperson if you are simply citing data, facts and information. Why? People think with logic, but act with emotion. If you want … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter September 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals September 2013 SALES QUOTE "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." --Iroquois Nation Maxim For Salespeople... What about serving your customers for the next 7 weeks or 7 months? What should you anticipate to avoid creating problems that you know you will have to … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter August 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals August 2013 SALES QUOTE "Not succeeding brings us to the ground, to look outside our shell, to even use the small word we are afraid to use: help." --Natalie Goldberg, writer For Salespeople... At some point in your selling career, you will come to a point in your sales process where you realize that you can't do this one by … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter July 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals July 2013 SALES QUOTE "The tongue can paint what the eye can't see." --Chinese proverb For Salespeople... How many memorable introductions have you heard? If none come to mind it's because so often the introductions that people make are so forgettable. I recently heard a saleserperson introduce herself as "I work for … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter June 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals June 2013 SALES QUOTE "For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness." --Ralph Waldo Emerson For Salespeople... At some point you're going to lose a piece of business. That loss immobilizes some salespeople. They ruminate about the deal that went bad, what caused it and blame themselves. The reality is that … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter May 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals May 2013 SALES QUOTE "To ask the right question is already half the solution of a problem, psychologist." --Carl Jung For Salespeople... You want to make the sale. What's holding you back? Your customer doesn't understand why he should buy and buy from you. Now you know the problem. You haven't asked the right questions. If … [Read more...]