You probably know that doing the same things again and again while expecting different results is nuts. So why not this year try some different ideas to sell more? Here’s what I’m planning for 2024. What are you planning?
Learn something new that’s interesting.
I had a customer, a plant manager, who told me one day to be sure to stop in his office over lunch hour. I first thought, “Oh my, what’s wrong!” But, it wasn’t that. His lunch time was the only time he could take a break and he was interested in learning about me, my business and my career. After that first meeting, he said, “I enjoyed our conversation. Try to stop in the next time you’re here.” That lunch break became scheduled for me every time I came to that factory. He was an important account and I did enjoy our conversations. I learned a lot about his business, him, his family and it did help increase my sales there.
Why do you think he enjoyed our conversations, too? Because I was not the typical engineer. We spoke about his plant. We also spoke about government, my career, politics, communication, sales, travel and other subjects not related to our business. I was an interesting person to him because I was always reading something and learning something new.
Are you interesting? Do you read and learn new things? Your customers can and should view you as a resource. Start by becoming an expert on your products and industry if you’re not already. Expand your scope of knowledge beyond your business and become an interesting person.
You may be looking for just one simple idea to learn something new. Don’t overthink what you have to learn. Start with your car if it’s a late model car. Do you know every safety feature in it? Watch a few YouTube videos to learn what your car can do so you can actually take advantage of ALL its features. That’s what I’m planning for 2024.
Put yourself first.
What’s your typical Fitbit sleep score or Apple Watch sleep data? Good sleep is a nutrient that you need so you can be in top mental form to sell. Sleep is just one area to take better self- care. What did you do last week simply because you wanted to do it? It wasn’t for someone else, just you. Nothing comes to mind? That’s got to change.
Sales is hard enough that burn out is a real threat to your success. Do something each week that brings you joy and that you didn’t have to do. That action is one step to avoid burn out. Asking yourself, “What do I enjoy doing?” might be the first time you’ve even thought about yourself. Answer your question and schedule the activity for January 2024.
It’s a new year and now is the perfect time to try new things in your selling. The beauty of trying new things now is that it just might be the key to your sales success in 2024.