Staying motivated in sales is a requirement for success. It’s more than feel good platitudes, too. Here’s what you can do to avoid the obstacles that set you back and how to overcome them if they do.
Seminar Description: Have you experienced a business setback that sent you into a tailspin? You can learn to avoid many of the downturns that may come your way. Life will still present you with the unexpected challenges that you will have to address. One of your options when a disappointment comes is to make it short lived and use the experience to propel you on to success. You will learn in this seminar to develop a strategy to minimize the disappointments that come your way and overcome them when they occur. By applying 7 principles to your work and life, you can turn setbacks into success.
Goals: To increase productivity and job satisfaction by learning to avoid and overcome the disappointments you face in business.
Results: Participants develop strategies to strengthen their resistance to disappointment and be prepared to address it appropriately.
Participants: Sales personnel, customer service personnel, technical staff and management personnel
Course Content
Prevention: Develop Your Purpose
- Develop your personal statement
- Congruence in what you value and what you do
- What are appropriate goals?
- Making your goals work for you
Prevention: Nourish Your Soul
- Taking care of you
- Sources of joy
Prevention: Focus
- Effects of others
- Internal vs. external focus
Prevention: Self Protection
- Destructive elements
- Taking compliments
- Focusing on what we lack vs. what we have
- Role of weaknesses
- Energy vampires
Moving forward: Taking Action
- Options for taking action
- Choices that move you forward
Posted in: Skills Development Seminars