You will at some point have to work with disorganized people. Do not choose to work with them if you have a choice. Working with disorganized people will be a challenge. Here’s what you can do to minimize the challenge. Learn to say no to disorganized people. You can say no when disorganized people call. You say no by not picking up the phone when they call. They can … [Read more...]
Get Ready, Get Set, GO for a Great 2025 in Sales!
You’re probably still thinking about having a stellar selling year. And why not? Most new year resolutions haven’t gone by the wayside just yet. One way to be sure you are on track to have a great year is to have a plan. That plan will guide you to success. Here’s how you can have a great 2025 in sales. Do you have a plan for a great 2025 in sales? What’s your plan … [Read more...]
Holiday Parties Are Different for Sales Professionals
What are you doing this Friday or Saturday night? Like many sales and business professionals you are heading to a holiday party. Are you looking forward to the free food and booze? Are you even thinking this is a party? Holiday parties are different for sales professionals. Think of the event as another sales call and this time, you are the product. Whether you realize it … [Read more...]
After You Make the Sale. Now What?
You may think once you’ve made the sale that the hard part is over. You are mistaken. The work has just begun. You can make your sales work simpler by considering what you do next. Here is a plan to work on your business after you make the sale. Keep it simple. When I look at the choices to make, I always prefer the one that is simplest to get the job done. I once … [Read more...]
What If? is a Sales Question for You
Your customers have questions for you. They want to know about your product specifications, your delivery capabilities, or your proof of performance. Successful salespeople can answer these questions and customers then buy. What about the questions you should ask yourself? What a very important sales question for you. What if I lose my largest customer… I once … [Read more...]
Deal With Toxic People
You’re lucky if you go to work every day and truly enjoy the people you work with. Sometimes it’s the people at work who make your job so tough. These are people with short tempers, boundary violators, and other habits that turn people off. I call these people toxic. You must have strategies to deal with toxic people at work. Can you spot toxic people? It shouldn’t … [Read more...]
Say No to Increase Sales
Do you remember the last time your manager asked you to do something and you said yes, but really wanted to say no? The same thing might have happened when a customer made a request and you really wanted to say no. It’s hard to say no to managers, customers and friends. Sometimes you have to. Here’s how to say no to increase sales. Say no to your manager. Saying no is … [Read more...]
Questioning Strategy Is What You Need to Sell
The best salespeople ask the most productive selling questions. They ask their questions in a way that gets results. Forget being a military interrogator! Yelling and sleep deprivation won’t work in a sales call. Your questioning strategy is what you need to sell. Here are a few ideas to create your best questioning strategy. Use persuasive words in your questioning … [Read more...]
What do you see when you sell?
Seeing is believing. That’s what people say and think. But, what are you seeing when you sell? What you see—or more importantly what you don’t see can impact how successful you are in sales. Here are some ideas to see when you sell so you can sell more. Are you even looking so you can see when you sell? Too many salespeople go into each sales call with their prepared … [Read more...]
Women In Sales: Beware Mansplaining and other gender stereotypes!
Selling is a great job for women. Your numbers, not your gender, determine your success. Still, women in sales face different situations than men. Often the situations, like gender stereotypes, are trying. It’s good to be aware of those situations that stereotype based on gender so you can be prepared or even better, avoid them. Gender Stereotypes: Get ready to deal with … [Read more...]