The Selling Newsletter
"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time reading it."
– Moses Hadas, American twentieth century scholar
Did you get a laugh at Hadas’ clever meaning? What he said could mean two very different ideas. In sales, that is something you want to avoid. There are too many opportunities for misunderstanding during the sales process. Your communication, not your customer’s, is the only communication you can control. It’s up to you to send a message that’s as clear as possible. One way to be as clear as possible is to avoid using negatives. They’re harder to understand.For example, “Selling is not hard” means the same as “Selling is easy.” Yet, “Selling is not hard” is harder to understand because it is stated negatively. You force the listener to work harder to understand a negative statement. So, if you want to have double meanings like Hadas, you certainly can. Just keep them out of your sales calls.
I’m now writing The Real Deal, a column on women in business for
I’m now writing The Real Deal, a column on women in business for
Here’s a recent column:
A Surprising Turn of Events
A friend of mine recently called me. She has an MBA. Her very interesting career includes work as a store manager, a corporate manager, and most recently as a Human Resources manager in a large corporation. She’s smart and she’s talented. She is very successful, too. Part of her current job is to announce the layoffs at her company. Then she has to individually meet with each employee to deliver a personal message about the layoff. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. She tried to be as thoughtful as she could knowing that for many, her announcement was the beginning of a very uncertain time in their life. When she called me it was to tell me that she was laid off. I was very surprised.
I’m also writing a sales blog for
I’m now a guest columnist for the Dallas Business Journal. My column is called “Customer Connections.” I’ll be answering readers’ questions about selling. Do you have any selling questions? Send them to
What’s sales tip has helped you be even more successful in sales?
Send your helpful tip to
The Selling Ideas for this Month
Politically Correct
Do you ever hear a kid say, “When I grow up, I want to be a politician?” Probably not. They’re also skipping over the sales professional, too. Coincidence? Perhaps not. It’s those negative perceptions that both jobs have.But, somehow politicians find a way to get people to vote for them. Salespeople can find ways to help customers buy when they use the same skills of persuasion. Here’s how you can apply the skills that politicians use so effectively to your selling.
Let me go first. Daniel Schill, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs at Southern Methodist University. His research is on political persuasion.Politicians often find that they have to change voters’ beliefs about certain issues. In sales, you might have to do the same. Perhaps your customer had a bad experience with your company and now has a negative perception of your company or product.It’s your job to change that perception.One strategy is known as inoculation.Think of this strategy like a person getting an inoculation against a disease. If you know that the prospect is opposed to your message, you must address their concerns before they can raise the objection. If you believe your customer will think your product’s price is too high, you say before they address it, “I know you may be thinking $50/gallon is a high price to pay. Let me tell you why it’s worth it.” Schill says that if you can refute their arguments before they ask about them, your prospect will be more likely to be persuaded.
Help me, help me, please.Telling the difference between political candidates is often difficult. Sometimes their audience also has strong views against them, too. Schill suggests using a refutation strategy in this situation. In sales, many products are commodities and prospects find it difficult to distinguish differences between products. If someone makes decisions based on evidence and statistics, you must provide rational reasons and evidence why your product is best.Telling stories, using humor and establishing your own personal credibility is especially appropriate when the prospect is unable to differentiate between your products and those of your competitors. Stories work well because they can tap into the listener’s emotions, build credibility and make an argument for you. Schill says evidence that’s especially persuasive is expert testimony or testimonial letters from knowledgeable customers.It’s helpful because Schill says, “These provide heuristics or mental shortcuts that guide persuasion.”
They’re buying you. “Above all,” Schill says, “your credibility is key to being persuasive. Either your personal credibility or the credibility of your product is very important.”To add to your credibility you can use what researchers call reluctant testimony. It shows your honesty.Reluctant testimony is when you say something that’s against your own interests. One example would be if you were commission based and said to a prospect, “I don’t make much on this product, but it is the best one for you.”Another way to use reluctant testimony is if you have favorable comments from a competitor. You could say, “You may not trust what I say given that I’m selling the product. Even our competitors acknowledge our product’s quality.”
Schill suggests that having someone credible introduce you or endorse you is another way to enhance your credibility. He says the whole referral system and testimonial letters are based on this aspect of persuasion. What’s even better is to clearly identify your prospect’s needs and clearly and honestly attempt to meet those needs. Schill says, “That’s how long term credibility is established.”
What if you don’t? Schill says that salespeople can start with the persuasion strategies without identifying a prospect’s needs. They can wear a suit and tie to look more credible, too. But he adds, “Ultimately, the job of a salesperson is to figure out what your customers want and it will be much harder to be persuasive if you don’t.”
Persuasion in sales is similar to persuasion in politics. Both audiences tend to have strong pre-existing views so changing their minds is difficult. At least you have the option to change your mind. Politicians who do that are condemned as flip-floppers and that loses votes. At least you can still make the sale.
Action Items
1. Make a list of the possible objections that your prospect could have to your products or services. Prepare your sales call strategy so you introduce those concerns before your customer asks.
2. Think about the points you want to demonstrate about your products. What stories could you tell that prove those points?
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Programs What: Secrets of Persuasion for Project Success
When: April 10
8.30 AM- 11:30 AM
Where: TEXO-The Construction Association 11111 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas
For More Information: $249 non TEXO members
What: Power Persuasion: Unleash Your Influence Skills When: May 15
8.30 AM- 11:30 AM
Where: TEXO-The Construction Association 11111 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas
For More Information: $249 non TEXO members
972-647-0697 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: What: Master Selling Series
When: June 5, 12, 19, 26
11.30 AM- 1:30 PM
Where: Small Business Development Center
4800 West Park Blvd.
Plano, TX
For more information: 972-985-3749 or
Here are some selling tools to help you sell more now. Click on the photo to find out more!
Sales Quotes: A book that has quick ideas for you to be more successful in sales. Real-World Selling: A book with selling skills and strategies that work in the real world of sales. Secrets of Persuasion: Audio CD for the clues to use to speed-read people and close more business.