Are you bored stiff yet? Or are you working feverishly to stay afloat? Salespeople are in a slightly different position with what we can do and work since we have some control over our actions. Hopefully your company is in a strong enough position to survive this unique crisis. Here are some things you can do now during the coronavirus quarantine and still stay safe.
1. Forget about “I should…”
It’s time to take care of yourself when people are buying 3 month supplies of food and hoarding toilet paper. What is something you can do for yourself now that is not something that you have to do? Your choice can be nothing, go for a walk, read a book, or whatever you want to do. Now is the time to take care of yourself.
Here’s one thing that I’m doing. I normally would not do something relaxing during the work day. Yet I love to garden and I spend hours on the weekend gardening. It’s different now that my simple activities like going to the store are more dangerous. I now do what I want to during the day even when I’m working. I might go outside and garden when it’s time for a short break. That break might turn into a long one and I don’t care. It’s ok. I don’t operate on “I should” time during coronavirus.
2. Protect yourself.
You probably know the saying “for some people the glass is half full and for some it’s half empty.” Then there are some people that for them the glass is always empty. Do you know people like that? Every conversation is filled with doom and gloom. That’s all they seem to focus on. They can only describe the deficiencies of others. Now is not the time to fill your head with the toxic fumes coming from these people. What can you do? Be vigilant about your conversations with them. Caller ID is your friend and you should be using it. Limit those calls.
What if these people are your very important customers? Learn to change the subject. You don’t even have to be subtle about it. Once the toxicity flows, you can quickly interject a question that changes the subject or make a statement about something else you want to discuss. Now is not the time to worry about what other people think. It’s time to be more protective over your own mental health.
3. It’s time to do what you want.
What have you been meaning to do that you haven’t had time to do? Now I’ll bet you have some free time. You might have a stack of books that you have been meaning to read. Well, now you can. You might have a library card that you can use remotely and take out some ebooks if you can’t get to a book store to buy some.
Yes, I know that there are things you can’t do if you’re asked to quarantine in place. Think creatively. What can you do in place that you wanted to do and didn’t have the time before? Do it. Here’s what you can do if nothing comes to mind. Instead of asking yourself “What do I want to do?” ask yourself, “What have I been meaning to do that I haven’t had time to do?” Think about it. You will come up with something.
I hope you have people you can call so you can maintain your human connections if you are truly alone. Whether you have a “cabin buddy” or are alone, now is time to take care of yourself. I’m off to my garden now.