It’s time to start working on your sales goals this year. Have you set your goals yet? If you haven’t, why not set some goals that really propel you to succeed? This could be your best sales year.
Set them right. Too many times goals are forgotten almost as quickly as the time it takes to write them. Why? Either they’re too big, too irrelevant, or too difficult. Let this year be different. Why not choose a few things that will lead you to accomplish great things in sales? Here are some great goals for you to consider.
Take compliments. I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard, “It was nothing” or “No problem” when someone received a compliment from another person. I would be wealthy. Why do some people find it difficult to acknowledge that they did do something well and worth noticing? I’m sure you’ll get compliments this year. Your goal should be to accept the compliment so it validates the compliment, not minimizes it.
This year the only response to any compliment you’re given should be “Thanks for noticing” or simply “Thank you.” Your first goal is “This year when I hear a compliment or statement that’s positive about me or my work, I will say thank you.” Then watch your confidence grow.
Reward yourself. Last year is over. If you had a good year, how did you reward yourself? If you didn’t reward yourself, now is the time. Your rewards can be something other than expensive toys. Have you thought about giving yourself the gift of time? If you had a free afternoon to do whatever you wanted to do, what would you do? That activity is going to be one of your rewards this year. Salespeople tend to forget about giving themselves rewards. Avoid that trap. Your next goal is “I will reward myself with (the activity) or (your choice!) when I accomplish a goal.”
Perhaps you’ve already set your goals. It’s not too late to change any of the goals you set. You have my permission to make the changes now. The year has just begun. You could create a new beginning for your best year yet.
Action Items
1. What few things do you want to accomplish this year?
2. How do you plan to reward yourself when you succeed?